Friday, February 27, 2009

New Computer is Rockin

Well I got back from my trip last Sunday night at 9pm ad I had a big black box waiting for me at home. The Computer, I can finally open it. It works great, plays games awsome. I still havent had a real chance to do any multitasking yet, but I'm sure that it will do fine. Of course I had to get some bling on it. It has three led fans and a 12" neon tube in the bottom. Enjoy some pics. I'll see you all march fourth. It was a bummer that someone had to wreck registration for everyone this past evening. oh well try again next time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What a Week!

I think that this last week has been one of the most demanding ever on my part. I'll have put in around 100 or so hours of labor. I've been working on the same machine asa the last time I was here in New york. Check out the pick of all of the parts. They're for dust control. Each one takes a lot of prep and multiply that by 350. 150 assemblies with 5 sub-assemblies. Lots of stuff. I started to go insane with the repetitiveness of all of it. All that keeps me going is that awesome paycheck at the end of it.

On the exercise front, I've done a little swimming but the pool is quite small. The work is actually very tiring, but probably not very athletic. I'm not getting my heart rate up or anything.

Well I should be home sunday night, and boy will I be ready to get home. I have to report in on Monday for an hour to work, but I'll take the rest of the day off. My computer came in on Tuesday, so I want to play with it!!!!!

See you all back in GB

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Attemped Ride and another trip to NY

Next week I'm off to New York again. Same place, same machine. The work will be long and repetitive, but it should make the time go by quick. The last time I was there everyone was great. The locals are very kind and really it felt the same as Wisconsin. It has definitely been nice going on a couple of tese trips latley. The extra cash is really nice and this time round I'll be saving most of it. The work has been simple so far, but its really nice not having to stress out on my first couple trip expeiriance. I'm going with the same two guys I had before. They're great guys, but I don't know if I can ever get enough sleep working with them. We're in the car at 5:00am and back at the hotel at 7:00 or 8:00. Now doing that for five days in a row really takes it out of me. I'm young, so I know that I shouldn't complain. All I have to do to get through it is think about the check (that works good).

This last tuesday I attemped to go out for a road ride. The weather was favorable, but windy. The only thing that I failed to take into account was that the roads in neihborhoods still had a lot of slush and ice on them. My usual route out of town was completely blocked. I chickened out after some close encounters with cars and came home. I got a whole two miles. I guess I'll just have to get ready to ski again hopefully. On that note, I had crashed the last time I went out on our saturday group ski. My boot got really messed up and I havent tried real hard yet to fix it. The metal bar at the front was bent sidewase when my ski popped off. I havent given up on it yet.

So we'll see when I have more time to write. I'll be awake, working, then sleeping for most of next week. (Computer should be here on tuesday and I won't be here :(

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2nd Road Ride of the year

With the warm weather Shawn thought why not hit the road. What a great idea, I would love that. It turned out to be a great ride. Not too cold at all. Going out we had a slight head wind, but the way back was a little more with the wind. WE made sure to try and not to drop anyone, and I wiuld say we were quite successful. I pulled some attacks off the back, and it felt real good. Mark and I had a good little sprint battle up a hill. We had about 10 guys initially, and then we spllit half way with some of the guys with a little more left went an extra ten miles or so. Five of us came back on packerland.

I was definitly tired once I got back, my legs were burning real good was we got back to the parking lot. It was about a 28 mile ride for me, excelent for an early season ride.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Computer Monitor

My new computers stuff began to arive yesterday. I got a Logitec gaming mouse (very nice), and today the Asus 24" Monitor came in. The pic really doesn't do it justice. The web browser is huge and the screen is wide enough to probably have two applications side by side. I took the pic with my TV because I will also hook up my tv as a screen (42" LCD) "awsome". I'll probably burn my eyeballs out though. So now I just have to wait until the CPU comes in, I freakin can't wait. Should be built on the 12th, but then I have to wait for shipping. ugh

Monday, February 2, 2009

A good weekend for skiing

Since it was such a nice weekend I went skiing with a couple of the guys. Both Saturday and Sunday were great conditions. Both days the snow was particularly fast. Sunday we went on the Oaks, which was all fine and good, but I had my first two actual ski crashes. The two large downhills on the oaks I was trying to snowplow, but ended up doing a face plant on both attemps. Hmm I guess maybe I should practice on some smaller hill. The first crash was actually quite gracefull if I say so myself ( If a crash can be graceful). The second however was a little more crash like. went down and lost a ski, twisted that ankle a little and smacked the thumb. I don't know if bindings are supposed to release at a certain point, but the metal bar on my boot ended up bending to one side. Luckily I did managed to barely clip in and got out without too much hassle. So now I have to try and repair my boot. I am a little achy this morning, but nothing at all serious. It's good to be young thats all I can say.