Friday, October 2, 2009

It's been a long time

Oh my my my, I have been a busy boy. This has been one of the longests weeks I've ever had. Switching to second shift has definitely been a tough mental challenge, but I thinks I'm handling it ok. I miss biking sooo much. I have about four and a half hours in the morning before work to do what ever. For this week at least I havent had time to bike. Get up and go spend time with Ashlyn. I'm not really complaining, because I wanted to spend that time with her, Just wish I had more time to bike.

I am doing the WORS Race this weekend (YAY!!!!). I don't know how I'll do, a but I don't really care (just want to get out there). Sometimes in the past I've gone weeks without riding and I do awsome at races afterward. It should be a good weekend.

All I can say is that I'm so thankful to have my job. A lot of luck and maybe a hint of hard work got me where I am. I KNOW I don't realize how lucky I am. That being said I still can't wait to get back on days :). See you all this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!