Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nice Weekend and Great Success

So I started out my Saturday morning at 5 am to go into work for 6am. I worked an uneventful shift for 5 hours and earned some extra cash along the way. I got home and started packing up the Jeep for the weekend. I was pretty much ready to go and I realized I forgot to pack the damaged pole for my tent. Look for it can't find it, so I head out to Gander Mountain and Plan on heading to the race. On the way remember I forgot the Cooler, Ugh!!!!!. So I purchase my new tent and the money I made that morning is spent :(. Oh well, it turned out to be a very nice tent.

I finally arrive at the camp at about 2:30 and its cruddy out. I hung out with the guys under the Specialized easy up for a while and just wandered around. In a break in the rain I started to set up the tent. I did it by my self, which sucked a little in the rain but overall ok.

Ashlyn arrived at around 6:30, set up her stuff in the tent and headed back to town for El Azteca. WE got back and hung out in the tent. the rain eventually stopped. I think we popped out at 10:30 and it was very pleasant out. Got to bed at around midnight and woke up at 2:30 to my myself pretty cold. Ashlyn stepped out and said it was very clear out. Overall I got 4 hours sleep and she got 2.

Luckily our task for the day was course marshalling, so we could relax. The breeze was cool all day, but the sun was warm. Kept my jacket and hat on all day. We had to get back to pick up camp and get Ashlyn to work, so we had a little adventure getting off the course while the race was still going. I waited for a break in the racers and mashed the gas on the jeep. Everyone was going at a good clip. I actually had some racers drafting off my jeep for a short time till I pulled off the race course. So that went as planned luckily and we got out of there in time.

So we both had a great weekend, and I'm very happy for all who made it happen with out any seriuos problems.
