Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Good times

Had a nice Memorial Day. Met up with Andy for the first time in quite a while, and went to the camp. We had two very nice laps (about 54 and 50 min). Of course we had to size each other up for this weekend. It should be an interesting race For Scott, Andy, and I, becuase we'll be racing directly against each other. We'll have to see if I can keep up my good finishes against those two. Andy performed very well for his first time on the mountain bike this year. I can definitly tell he had been doing something all spring. He'll know if I'm behind him with how loud my hubs are (thats just the intimidation factor).

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Had a nice Saturday

Oh what a day, in a good way. I woke up at 8 and didn't get out of bed until around 10. I really haven't ridden at all this past week, but I did ride to work about 3.8 miles each way on friday. So I went for a very good loop at the camp around 1. I talked to a couple people who were just out for a fun ride, but training was on my mind. A better loop for me at Refo is around 50 min and up till today my record for the year was about 51min 30sec. Well today I smashed that record with a 47min 45sec. So basically I was in aw of this acheivement. I was pushing it really hard but I felt good at the same time. I got home, took a shower and relaxed for a while.

Oh there's a really shiny thing in my drive way now. 2.5hours of washing, polishing, and then waxing. I don't have a power buffer, so it's old fashioned by hand. Got to thank my dad for helping me with it. I try to do this twice a year at least. It's so shiny!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

12 hours of stumpfarm

I know it's a little late to talk about the 12 hour at refo, but I feel like it anyway. What an excellent race, I really had a blast. I wasn't too fast off the start because, I didn't want to step on anyone or get stepped on, so I waited for most of the people to get to there bikes. I slammed it down the strait and passed as many people as I could before the single track. I settled into a great groove and I stuck with two ladies and a guy on a single speeder for a majority of the race. Lancer and I finished our third laps at the same time and both decided to go for the fourth lap. Lancer left me in the dust and I was hurting a lot. I wanted to get off the course soo bad. Fortunatly Scott cought me and gave m e the determineation to finish. We had a good old fashioned sprint between our selves, and Scott beat me out. That was the longest continuos ride I've ever done on the Mountain bike and I tell you at Iola with Refo under my belt I felt awsome.
Kudos to Mark the Chiropracter for coming out us as well. See you all at Rhinelander and lets camp it up.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's about time

What a nice first race. We had a great turnout of most of the usual team and a couple newer faces. I'd say we had at least 12. The course was great, classic Iola with a few sand traps. This was probably the best I have ever felt post race. I really though I could have done another lap. I think that its partly because of all the long distance riding I've dome this spring. The lap just flew by and all of a sudden it was time to cross the finish. My time was around a hour 18 minutes(4 minute improvement from two years ago). So finally the big news, I got my very first medal from racing in sport for three years(4th place out of 23) yay!!!MeSchindleAaronLanser

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Last ditch effort to train for Refo

Well I got out to the camp today finally. I did two laps, the first 51minutes, and the second 54. I wasn't too impressed with those times, but considering how little riding I've done recently, not bad. This was actually the first time I was able to do complete green loops. It took some getting used to being bumped and bashed around after doing so much road training. I got a good start on the calices on my hands. The second lap it hurt quite alot. Other than that, the legs feel great and I didn't hit any tree's, for which I'm surprised.

Plan for the rest of the week, Do one lap tomorrow with the group and two on Thursday. Should be doing the 6 hour with Randy B on Saturday.

I'll be writing up on the Electric car soon. I just don't feel like typing for a half hour right now. In the mean time check out the video I put together.
